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Do You Not Realize

  Do You Not Realize My friends I love you too much to let another moment go by Without telling you that your very soul is at jeopardy  First off stop putting off this for another minute Because we aren’t promised another one Don’t say oh I’ll do it when I’m older or in a few years Because today could be the last day that you take a breath I’m not going to sugar coat the truth here to you But your days are numbered and there’s only 2 endings Look you are going to meet God either way  You are going to be held accountable for your actions and life here on earth Your final destination is either heaven or hell there’s no other  God didn’t create hell for us and He wants none to go there Look the world is showing more and more it’s evil roots And it’s time to see that God is on the throne and He’s calling you by name He wants to bring peace into your chaos hope into your hopelessness He wants to give you a hope and a future that can never be taken away He wants to save yo...

What’s It Gonna Take

  Whats it gonna take to save your life To get you not to believe those lies What can I say to make you change To turn away from your evil ways All I desire for you is the best for you   But there you are searching I am standing here waiting Pulling on the strings of your heart Step into the light away from the dark Come and seek me I will give you peace Come and find me I will be all you need Drink for the cup in my hand And you'll never thirst again   Whats it gonna take to get you to see That I dont make mistakes I make beauty What can I do to show my love for you I gave my life on a cross what else can I do All I desire for you is the best for you

Of The One

I want to know the face of the One who made me Desire intimacy with the One who gave me life Even if life begins to fall apart and everything goes wrong I know my Daddy holds the world and Hes forever strong My Daddy is the King of kings He is the Lord of all lords The One that sits on the throne Holding the whole world in His hands My Daddy can move mountains with one word He can change the weather with just a thought Causes seas to split and broken lives to be healed With a touch the lame can walk and the blind can see My Daddy is the Risen Saviour He is the God of all gods The One thats seated on the throne Holding the whole world in His hands @aforestoflikes

Petty Things

  At a loss for words and my anger rising I look up to the sky and begin recognizing That the petty things we allow to hurt us the most Are the hurts that we wear around us like coats We hold onto things that aren't meant to be held And we forget the real truth about how we felt It wasn't just a one time heated argument That brought us to this place we resent But there needs to be grace and forgiveness Because we were forgiven when Christs blood was spent We've each been bought with a price Much greater than anything we sacrifice Love was pour out like rain on our hearts Drenching our souls from the inside out We were given His power in His resurrection And we can now being going the right direction One towards the Father and towards eternity So we let the petty things go and be fleeting Let us bury our bitterness in the grave And remember there are lives waiting to savedI’m 

In Our Cities

  This worlds so full of darkness and loss But Your love it burns away the dross We need a generation to stand and rise To burn this place with Your holy fire The darkness is getting darker every day Rise up oh rise up all of God's saints We are in a war to rescue all lost souls Allowing love to be the center of it all God we want our world back To singing praises of you We want our people back Turning from lies back to truth We want our generation To be so deeply in love with you We want you in our cities For them to know you


  Your name is power your name is strength You reign forever your name is great My God in Heaven your name we praise Call me closer again set our hearts ablaze We wanna burn like a forest fire Let our flames burn higher and higher We wanna see your kingdom come Praising you until you take us home We wanna wake this city up Singing songs of your endless love Let this place erupt at Your name Allow our hearts to burn insane


  Love like this is unimaginable and hard to describe It was love like this that was set up on display When my Savior King all for love was crucified And the greatest act of love was shown that day   If this is what true love looks like Then in His love Im completely satified Because love rescued my rebellous heart And brought me to loves great start I no longer am lost in the ways of me But my focus is set on eternity   What is this love given so freely to us How can love be given at such a high cost Love like this is overwhelming to my soul But it is love like this that makes me whole

So I Can Sing

  I wanna worship at the feet of my King I abandon my lot just so I can sing Of the beauty of grace that rescued me Release who I was and run to find I am bound to Him and now I am free Let this place erupt with His peace With one voice we scream victory I give you this day I give you this life Take all that I am I lay down my pride I surrender myself to the arms of the King A life of abandonment for a life of free There's nothing that I want more than this

Be Less

  I've found when I am less He's greater than all my mess Even when the storms shake Oh I know that He is great When the doubts begins to show My trust in the Lord stars to grow Want to be less So He can be great Want to be low Give Him the fame Here are my hands I want to  be your feet I give all that I am More of You less of me Let the troubles deal with itself Know whose I am I love myself Because the King who made all of this Is the One who saved me from the pits And when everything turns to ruin No need to question what He's doing My King is on the throne watching over m e

Not Man

  No matter what the cost I live for the King not man Even if I am called foolish or Im the only one there I want to make His name famous and not care If the whole world reject me or I am alone To know my rewards in heaven my Daddy sits on a throne To look fear in the face and remind it that it has no place That this heart is made clean by His overwhelming grace And fear is strangled by this love that says I am enough Regardless of my past or things that made me feel unloved My fears are washed away in the perfectness of Christ's blood I am no longer a slave to my sin I am called His beloved  That I am set free from the shackles I knew so well Ive got new life new adventures a new story to tell Wanna shout it from the rooftop and scream below Ive got a love so amazing I want everyone to know So come one come all and experience this love so sweet There's no greater love than to be loved by the King