Do You Not Realize


Do You Not Realize

My friends I love you too much to let another moment go by

Without telling you that your very soul is at jeopardy 

First off stop putting off this for another minute

Because we aren’t promised another one

Don’t say oh I’ll do it when I’m older or in a few years

Because today could be the last day that you take a breath

I’m not going to sugar coat the truth here to you

But your days are numbered and there’s only 2 endings

Look you are going to meet God either way 

You are going to be held accountable for your actions and life here on earth

Your final destination is either heaven or hell there’s no other 

God didn’t create hell for us and He wants none to go there

Look the world is showing more and more it’s evil roots

And it’s time to see that God is on the throne and He’s calling you by name

He wants to bring peace into your chaos hope into your hopelessness

He wants to give you a hope and a future that can never be taken away

He wants to save you from the road you’re headed down

Jesus did all the hard work of conquering sin and death 

He took our place because He was the perfect sacrifice 

He is calling you back to Him and tugging on your heart strings

But it’s up to you to open up your ears and heart to receive Him

Look it’s simple to turn to God and He’s waiting for you

His arms are stretched out wide to you right now

The steps are simple but the rewards are eternal

Todays the day my friends let today be the day you change your life forever
