My Dehydrated Heart

Lord I am thirsty for more of You and Your living water
Fall afresh on my dehydrated heart and soul
Let my life overflow with your love and your peace
For I crave You daily and need You in order to be alive
I am empty and have no purpose without You
Desiring to look less like me and more like You
My well feels like it has dried up refresh me O God
Rain down Your presence on my heart's drought
Fill me with all that You are so I may flourish
O how I yearn for things You have for me
Rejuvenate my exhausted body with joy
Too long I have allowed myself to be dry
Revive me and renew me in Your grace and mercy
Remind me of the things I was saved from
Replenish the cup of my thirsty heart overflowing
I want, need, crave desire more of You and less me
Allow me opportunities to pour myself out to others
So that You can refill me abundantly more so
