Despite My Inadequacies

Lord I am a deliverer of Your message in everything that I do
Whether I am given words to say or am just a listener of others
Help me to see with Your eyes and to feel with Your heart
Allow me to look at people the way that You look at them
Let love be the anthem of my life and the song on my lips
I am given the task of kingdom bringing to those in my care
Every day is a new opportunity and I am a messenger of You
Send me deep into the trenches for Your glorys sake
I want to shout Your goodness from a mountain top
You have been so faithful and generous to undeserving me
How can I keep my mouth shut or ever forget what You’ve done
My words can never run out of praises to You my holy King
You are all that I need all that I crave and all that I want
What else is there and where else would I want to be or go
You are the One that formed me and You know me
You love me despite my inadequacies and countless failures
Remind me that I am more than a conqueror in Your strength
I chose the winning team and we constantly need more recruits
Help me to always be actively sharing You with everyone
