Offering of Praise

Lord be the rock that I can rest assured in
Allow me refuge in the shadow of Your wings
I vow to give all of me for Your glorys sake
Your hope is a security I can stake my life upon
The only One worthy of my life as a worship song
I sing at the top of my lungs with all that I am

You are a worthy God who ransomed me
Saved me from myself and gave me purpose
Laid Your claim on my heart by taking my place
Everyday the enemy attempts to tempt me
But You protect me from the his fiery darts
And equip me to fight the good fight for You
Nothing can shake me from my Fortress
I rest my life and place it into Your hands
Cuz You so freely pour out Your love to me
You are deserving of my steadfast love
I trust in You always and at all times
All power is Yours and belongs to You alone
Strengthen me to endure the things that I am to
I vow my life to be an offering of praise to You

Psalm 61:3-5, 8 and Psalm 62:2, 5-8, 11-12
