Way Too Simple

What could I possibly give to You God of heaven and earth
The One who saved me from my sins and pours out His blessings
I vow this saved life to be an offering to You God the King of Kings
Laying down myself as a sacrifice to be used for Your kingdom
Lord You are amazing and there is no one even close to like You
My words seem way too simple to describe You God of all things
Worthy, holy, wonderful, majestic, unrivaled, glorious, amazing
These all seem to fall short to encompass Your complexities
But Lord may I never stop singing Your praises and goodness
May praises continually flow out of my heart and mouth
From the moment I rise to the moment I fall asleep O God
Be the name that is constantly being worshiped by me
I dont want to stop singing and shouting Your awesomeness
You are worthy of all glory and honor because of Your love
Thank You for being our help and our shield and our safety
Your faithfulness endures forever and your love is steadfast
Thank You for never giving us on me and my insecurities
But I can cling to the God who never fails or gives up on me
Hope glorious hope reminds me that I am a child of the King
My home is an eternal home and it is waiting for me
