With The Intensity That God Loves You

Let His precious love flow in you and out of you
God is love and desires for us to love one another
As His children we are designated image bearers
Let others see God in us in the way that we love
Jesus showed us love by dying a gruesome death for us
We receive the gift of life because of His grace
Because God loved us first we ought to love
When we love, His love is made perfect in us
God abides in us and His love ravishes us
Without love we are just an annoying sound
We were created and made to love others
And it is the way God is shown through us
Let our love be without borders or boundaries
Without expectations of receiving love back
It is not about who deserves it but who needs it
We all deserve death but were rescued from our sin
Love was created to be patient, bear others burdens
To reach beyond the demand of reciprocation
And adopt the love the Lord bestows on us
Because He loved us before we ever loved Him
Before we accept Him into our hearts He loved us
Love other people with the intensity that God loves you


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