Beautiful Freedom

Look to the Rock who holds the foundations of the world
Pursue righteousness and continually seek the Lord
Be comforted in every season whether dry or rainy
Find joy and gladness in the presence of the Lord
Be thankful and grateful, sing songs of praise to Him
The Lord wants to give you hope for a new day
Remember His faithfulness and His pursuit of You
His mercies are abundant and His grace never runs out
He continually pours out His everlasting love all over us
Blessings that He gives so freely to those who fear Him
Don't forget what He has saved you from don't forget the past
But don't stay trapped in the past pursue righteous living
Seek the face of the One who is the King of kings, Lord of lords

Remember that He saved you and set you free from your chains
No longer bound but free to praise Him forever with your life
Be a radiant light of the ugly sin changed into beautiful freedom
Let everything you do point to the God who saved you from the mire
Be kingdom minded and always finding ways to lift God higher
