Mountains to Valleys

You are due the highest praise and honor
We give You our lives to bring You glory
Thank You for hearing all of our prayers
And even though are sins are overwhelming
You forgive them You forgive them all
What joy awaits us when we finally meet
One day face to face in Your presence
You answer our prayers so faithfully
Bringing hope to a hopeless life and world
Your power formed the mighty mountains

You still the roaring of oceans and nations
In awe we stand at the might of Your hand
Shouts of joy pour out of us for You are good
You tell the sun when to rise and where to set
Beauty and might are represented in all things
From the mountains to valleys creation praises You
We join them in shouting and singing for joy
You are an awesome God worthy of it all
My life is Yours do what you want to do

Read Psalm 65
