You Are My Hope

You see every single thing that we go through
All the hurting words, thoughts, and struggles
See every tear drop that has left our eyes
And all the deep sighs, cries, and ughs we take
Feel the weight of every disappointment on our shoulders
You know the pain that comes with a broken heart
You see all the suffering and pain we go through

But you've experienced it all and then some
You know the pain of rejection way better than us
Felt the pain of heart break from the people closest to you
You have seen people disappoint you every single day 
I am one of those people O dear Lord forgive me
Every day I pray to be selfless but chose selfishness
Give me strength to battle my selfish desires
Help me I am weak and need you more than I can say
You are the only One that satisfies my soul
In a world of despair and tragedy you are my hope
I cling to you regardless of my pains and struggles
Cuz You are a good Daddy who loves me beyond words
Your heart breaks when my heart breaks or is broken
Every day I am given is a gift and I am blessed
Empower me to choose to see Your power working in me
Make me look more like You by whatever means necessary
My life is Yours and everything that I am is for You
