Secured So Deeply

My joy should be secured so deeply in my Savior
And yet temporary happiness is what I look for
How quickly I forget that this life is just a blip
I’m not promised another moment or another breath
And yet here I am making plans for the future
We all have been given gifts and talents
But how many of us actually use our gifts
To glorify the One who gave us those gifts
Do you remember the story of the talents
Are we in the business of sharing our talents
Or are we too busy so we bury them in the ground
I know I am guilty of sometimes burying mine
But come on people look alive wake up
Can’t you see that we are getting older
The world is spiraling in a downward manner
And the end could possible be near
So what are we doing let’s get busy
Bring God’s kingdom here on earth
Sharing Him with others using our gifts and talents
We were made for more than mediocre living
Let inspiration run rampant and God’s name be shouted
He deserves all glory, honor, and praise
And are we giving Him that every day
Joy should be flowing out of your very being
And in that joy encouragement should overflow
Use what you’ve been given and wake up the dead hearts around you
Allow God to use your willing heart to do more
Life is too short to waste on the ordinary
We serve an extraordinary God who wants to redeem
Let Him use you cuz He has equipped us all
Say yes to opportunity and yes to His will
For we were made to live a life of glorifying Him
Your life is a second chance so don’t waste it
