
I am bankrupt in my own goodness because I am lacking
Because God You demand nothing short of perfection
And I am nowhere near perfect but fail daily
If I relied on my own goodness to reach heaven
I could and would never make it because I am selfish
But You in your amazing grace covered me with Your Sons blood
And gave me a new name and a new life
You’ve breathed life into my deadness
Called me out of the darkness and into Your light
No longer bound to a death sentence
But rather free to bring Your kingdom here on earth 
You now call me perfect because Your Son lives within me
I was bought with His blood and I am no longer my own
I can no longer be silent but must shout of Your goodness 
And sing louder and louder so that all my hear
Jesus loves you and died for you cuz you’re worth it to Him
Nobody else has ever done that for you or will
He died for you a stranger to Him just to know you
How amazing that He loves you that much
That he suffered more than comprehension 
For you and for me cuz He wants you all of you
He wants your good your bad and your ugly
He says come as you are and I will meet you there
Amazing that God would send His only Son to die for you
Can you even fathom that He suffered greatly for you
Every lash of the cat of nine tails was for you
Every nail placed in His hands and feet was for you
Every agonizing breath he took on the cross was for you
There was forgiveness in His heart for His killers
Who else on planet earth forgives His murderers
What a Savior our King Jesus is and can be for you
Will you say yes to the One who died in your place
God says that our sin separates us from God
We deserved death and hell was our destination 
But Jesus in His great love took our cross and died
He changed our destination so that we could be with Him
Heaven is our home and earth just a resting place
Hell was not made for man nor man for hell
He made a way for you to not have to go to hell
But you have to confess that you need a Savior
Believe that Jesus is who He says He is
That He died and rose again to conquer sin and death
Then you will be saved and eternal life can be yours
Choice is up to you are you for Him or against
