Dear Old Self

 Dear old self I am writing you this letter to tell you that I am divorcing you. I have been changed from the inside out and I have been crucified with Christ. I am no longer living but Christ is living inside me. I am made new because I was washed in His blood and made clean. Sin used to be our best friend, but he has no place in my life anymore. I am set free from the bondage that sin allows brings when he comes around. The God of the universe chose me and gave me a second chance. His love overflows in my heart and soul. I was reminded of the many times you old self dragged me down. You tried to kill me off and choke the life out of me. I am set free from the chains you locked on my wrists and ankles. I can dance without your chains chaffing me and limiting me. Pain and suffering were the only thing you gave me; guilt was another close friend you always brought. You promised a sweet taste in my life but always left me bitter and a sour taste. Never once did you lead me to anything good, but you led me to deeper bondage and farther into darkness. I have found a endless and unconditional love. You could never compare to the new self I have been given. Eternal life is my new destination and my home because this is no longer my home. My body is a living sacrifice to the King who purchased me and renewed me to understand God’s perfect and good will. I have been changed and my new self. You can not live united because you are complete opposites and you’re evil, selfish, and end in suffering. You are all about being right in your own eyes, but I want to do the will of God because my eyes are blind. I am a child of God, and I have been transformed from the inside out. You no longer have a say in my life or any control of what I do. I no longer have to give in to your come ons. Your pull doesn’t bear any weights anymore. I will no longer run with you and I am no longer tied to you and your ways. By staying with you, I would be allowing you to cheat me out of the boundless love of a Father and my heavenly prize for finishing the race well. I have been saved and now the delight of heart is to look more like Christ and less like me and you old self. Be gone old self there’s no place here for you. I have been given a new life and many new names. I am the daughter of the King, and I am His beloved. I am chosen, purchased, redeemed, accepted, alive, and loved. That doesn’t even scratch the surface of the names I have been given by the God who sent His Son Jesus to take my place. I deserved to die and be separated from Him forever and yet he pulled me out of the darkness and brought me into the light of His glory. I have the blessed assurance and hope of one day being with Him. I get to live in the light of forever and eternity with my Jesus. My life is to be abundant and to show others the love I have given. It was the best free gift I have ever been given. Christ lives in me. I have been adopted into the family of God and I am a joint heir with Christ. The One who is in me is greater than who is in you old self. I was born again and accepted into His family. I separate and divorce you because I am made new in Christ. I used to allow you to manipulate me and deceive me into doing sin. No longer will I be deceived or desire the longings of you old self. 
