Fresh Start

Do you see what I see when the sun comes up
God is showing off again the beauty of His creation
Radiant beams coming over the mountains
The darkness is being chased away by the light of day
It’s a new beginning a fresh start and a brand new day
What will you do with it cuz tomorrow’s not a guarantee
Will you waste it on temporary highs or happiness
Will you squander away the precious moments
Or will you do something important with your time
Cuz today is all You have and this day may not end
It could be your time to go are you okay with that 
Will you bless someone who is desperately in need
Who is reaching out for help will you help them
Will you show grace when it is not deserved
Because you were shown grace and you didn’t deserve it
Now I am not trying to damper your day or make you sad
But to open your eyes to the fact you only have right now
To make a difference to share God’s love with others
If you knew today was your last day what would you do with it
Why not live like that is the case every single day
I don’t mean it to go buy everything cuz that’s wasteful
But what will you do to bring God’s kingdom on earth today
What will you say to bring life into this dying world
Will you allow God to use you today
Will you be open to the things He has in store for you 
