From Core to the Floor

What will disrupt your self centered lifestyle
How will God pull You out of Your own head
And bring You to Himself if your head has caved into itself
All you can see is yourself and nothing else
How can a blind man suddenly see the world
You say with such conviction that there is no God
But have you ever tried to look for Him or seek Him out
If the answer is no then how can you speak so bluntly
Look at the seasons the order of fall winter spring and summer
Not chaos not random but by the order of God
Look at the human body the many systems working cohesively
Created by a God who intricate wove you into existence
Look at the sky has there ever been a day without the sun
Or a night without the radiance of the moon
No cuz God created them and the timing is perfect for what we need
Now I could write a million examples but have you researched
Have you genuinely tried to look out of your spoon fed culture
To realize that the God who created all of these things
Is calling you by name and wants you to be a part of His family
He sent His Son Jesus to die one of history’s most horrific deaths
Why you might ask for you and for me cuz He loves us
I don’t know a single soul who would do that for me
He died for you to show You a fraction of the incredible love for you
And He didn’t stop there cuz everybody dies but He rose from the death
Defeating sin and grave so that you wouldn’t have to endure that
No person on earth would die like that for a stranger
He wants to know you and He wants you to come as you are
Wants to transform you from your core to the floor
To show you grace you don’t deserve and mercy you couldn’t earn
He’s say hey you come find peace and joy that never ends
Will you answer the door cuz He’s knocking
Will you open your deaf ears and your blind eyes
To see the God who loves you and wants you
Here’s the thing You’re either for Him or against
There is no in between and Jesus will return soon
He’s going to take back His people with Him to heaven
Will you be a part of that group of people
Cuz we aren’t even promised the rest of today or tomorrow
Make the choice today and get to know Him
It’s the greatest decision you will ever make

Join the family of God and change your story for the glory of God
