Hearts On Guard

Eternal life awaits and our ending is already written forever 
Victory is in the name of the Lord and we are in the Lords army
In these times where fear is running rampant in the streets
And we know the end is near we tell fear to take its rightful place
At the foot of the cross to be crucified with Christ
Because fear has no place in the Christians heart and head space
Because we know how the story ends we know where our home is
Eternal life awaits and our ending is already written forever 
Victory is in the name of the Lord and we are in the Lords army
Whom or what shall we fear when Christ has crucified our fear
And in His resurrection He has replaced it with hope and peace
No longer bound to the anxieties and depression that fear brings
But through hope and peace we can walk boldly in His grace and mercy
Run with confidence knowing that our Savior King is the victor
No matter how we get to the end we know that heaven awaits us
Jesus will be standing there arms open wide welcoming us home
And we will hear the words we have been waiting for 
Jesus will say well done my good and faithful servant 
Oh I can't wait for that glorious day and pray it comes soon
Keep your eyes open and hearts on guard for the kingdom of heaven is near
