
Your holiness Lord takes my breath away
It’s hard to fathom the greatness of who You are
Your power is infinite and my finite brain can’t comprehend
Your omnipotence and omnipresence are mind blowing
I bow in complete and utter reverence to You
Maker of all things and Savior of the world
I am in awe of Your unconditional love
And the fact that You chose me as Your own
I fall to my face and worship You but words fall short
I am utterly speechless in Your presence
The King of Kings calls me His daughter
He saved me when I was at my weakest
Paid for me when I deserve nothing but death
Pick me up when I had hit rock bottom
Dusted me off and raised me to my feet
When I was lost He said in Me you are found
Gave me purpose, hope and direction
He instilled His Holy Spirit inside me
And told me that I will never ever be alone
Gave me boldness and confidence I never had
Opened my eyes to the wonders of grace and mercy
Offered me salvation and eternal life forever with Him
Gave me a second chance and a new life
Hallelujah Father thank you for rescuing me
For redeeming my wretched heart back to Yours
For fixing my brokenness and making me whole in You
Praise You for restoring me back to health
May the rest of my days be an offering and sacrifice
That I may glorify and honor You God
