More Than Dirt

Stop thinking you are more than dirt
Cuz your own disappointment will hurt
God isn't disappointed with you friend
But He holds the whole world in His hand
So He knows everything you have done and will do
He's not surprised by your actions of you
We were made out of dirt and dust
But God He chose to enter into us
Breathed his joy into our empty lungs
Into the dirt He gave us our life song
But we chose sin and life behind bars
He became dust so that life could be ours
Died in our place so we could spend forever with Him
God chose to save the dirt that you are
When you deserved to be burned and char 
There's nothing you've done to save yourself
Cuz dirt isn’t meant to put on a shelf
Everything you have is a gift from God
Cuz all good things apart from God
Are filthy rags to Him from the dirt you are
You have done nothing that is of significance
Nothing truly good can come from just you
Jesus' blood places God’s  worthiness on you
Makes dirt into a beautiful example of His love for us
Helps us to light up a sign pointing back to Jesus
Reminding the world that it deserves the grave
But how God in His tenderness offers us of grace
Yes you and I are dirt but in God we have purpose
So put on your armor and let us face this
Bring the kingdom of God to the world around you
Point them to God in everything you do
