
Lord I pour out my life as a perfume upon Your feet
I lay my face to the ground and humbly kiss them
Oh Lord take this small act of praise I can offer
May my life be a constant act of worship
Cuz You are worthy of it all and then some
May everything I do be about Your glory
Let my heart song be a sweet sound in Your ear
May my motives be a sweet fragrance into Your nostrils
That others may smell of Your unending holiness
And taste of the goodness of all that You are
For You are honey on my tongue and strength for my bones
I am no longer strong in my own weakness
But rather I am strong in You and only You
I boast in Your name and Your majestic excellence
My sin has been washed away by Your blood
And freedom is my cry because You have saved me
I pour myself out so that You may fill me once again
Your grace and mercy give me a daily chance
Cuz You’re the One who put breath in my lungs
And the One who gives my heart it’s rhythm
All of this You’ve done because You love me
You gave Your life unto death just to have me
I can maybe count on one hand anybody who would die in my place
But You died for me before You even had my heart
What an amazing Savior King that You are
My second chance is a worship song to You alone
I pray that You Jesus pour out of me always
So that others see You and not the selfish me
Let them see all that You are and none of me

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