
Prune away the thorns of my heart
Break off the branches of death
Remove the weeds trying to choke me
Pull of the dead leaves so new can grow
Point out the changes needed in me
Help me to grow into who You say I am
Strengthen my roots into Your Word
May Your promises be my sustenance
As you rain down your goodness upon me
Let it drown out the enemy's lies and schemes
What sweetness it is to trust in You
Pour out Your love and mercy on me
That it may water my thirsty longing soul  
Allow my needy heart to rely on Your Son
May I be grounded in all that You are
Firmly planted by Your holy streams
Streams of eternal life and righteousness 
Let all that I am glorify You my King
May my fruit bring you glory and honor
Love and peace be the definition of my heart
You alone are the maker of all things
So allow me the opportunity to grow in You
May I look more like You and less like me
