Where's Your Faith

Where is your faith are you proving it to those around you
Can they tell that Jesus is living inside of you and has made you new
Are you showing people the same grace that you've been given
Does the love of God flow out of your every word
Is loving kindness radiating out of you cuz of the mercy you've received
We are meant to be ambassadors for God's kingdom
Are you leading people to the One who gave you a second chance
Does your life represent the freedom granted to you freely
Do people see Jesus in your eyes and feel Him in your words
Are you encouraging, always pointing others to Christ
Is it obvious who controls your life and your actions
How are you acting are you consistent with all people
It's time to step up people and be salt and light 
This world has become so tasteless and dark
Radiate His love, grace and mercy because our time is short
Be the hands and feet of God don't forget your purpose
Be the ambassador that brings other to the kingdom of God
Show people the Way so that all may enter into eternal life
Be a neon light shining bright for the kingdom of God
