Without My Scars

Without my scars I wouldn’t be reminded of Your faithfulness 
I brought them upon myself but their healing shows who You are
Through them I can show others the redemption story you’re writing in me
I was so far gone or so I thought till you came and rescued me
I still make mistakes but my mistakes don’t change who You are
You are the God who knows me so intimately and deeply
You love me without conditions because You know I can’t succeed with You
I can’t even breathe or move without You cuz You hold it all
Ive given up the right to write my own story in exchange for Your abundant grace
Pour out Your will on the blank slate of my heart it’s all Yours
Let others see You in the depths of my eyes and life
That they may know love beyond all imagination or thought
Freedom from the chains that You broke off of me and can do for them too
Joy that is endless and hope for a wonderful future ahead
Life that is eternal and spent in the heavenly presence of You
Brokenness that can be restored and resurrection of the death inside
Renewal of lost hope and the beginning of a beautiful relationship with You
Life you promise us life if we believe and how can we not
Your glory is painted in the sunrise every day and in the sunset every night
Oh sweet Jesus let them see open their eyes and hearts
Make soft that which is hard and open that which is closed off
Help them know that they are known and loved beyond comprehension
That the God who created it all knows their name and their struggles
You love them You died for them You defeated the grave for them
And You daily continue to shower grace and mercy upon them
Thank You Father God for the construction You’re doing in me
I am Your vessel pour me out and pour Yourself in abundantly

This life what little I have left may it be solely for Your glory
