Are You Dressed and Ready

The King is coming to take back what He created
Are you ready are you dressed for service and awaiting His return
Jesus is coming soon why not teach to go and preach to the ends of the world
What is be ready supposed to mean for us if we are to be expectant
Shouldn’t we be sharing with anyone and everyone
The hope of Christ returning soon should spur us to share our testimonies
To share of the goodness of God’s grace and mercy
We should be spurring each other to bring hope to the hopeless
Our focus should be caring about the neighbors around us
Whether it’s tomorrow hallelujah or not till after our lifetime
Let’s bring the kingdom of God here and now
People need Jesus this world is desperate need of hope
Bring hope show love share Jesus tell your redemption story
Don’t let another day pass without sharing with someone
Jesus is our Savior King He came and died for you
He rose again to put a stop to the enemy’s hold on us
New life is promised with new purpose and a new story ending
He wants you to spend eternity with Him in heaven
Confess your sin separates you from Him
And believe His death and resurrection conquered sin and death
You are now given free from the bondage of your sin
Walk in the goodness of a merciful loving and gracious Father
Share the story of your life with anyone that you can
The world as we know it will eventually be no more
But God and His love endure forever and ever
