Back Seat Driver

I lay down my rights to drive the car of my life
No longer the driver or the back seat driver
If left to my own devices I would drive off a cliff
Cuz purpose and me are pointless without You in control
I tried to drive and it got me to a place I never want to go
To the end of the road or at least that’s what I thought
But at rock bottom You reminded me that You’re my Rock
The Rock of my salvation and the end doesn’t happen yet
There’s more to my story and my journey my life
You have plans beyond my wildest dreams to still fulfill
With me in the backseat You want to take me places
Restore brokenness remind me of my purpose
That I am loved and matter regardless of anything I’ve done
The edge of the cliff isn’t an option for me or anyone
But eternal life and a real life story of redemption is
Let Him restore Your brokenness and pick you up
Set you on your feet and give you a purpose
