Grace Given

Forgiveness is not an easy thing to give or ask for
But what joy it brings when we are granted it
And because of that we should be willing to give as freely
God so rich in mercy forgave you and call you to forgive others
There’s no limit there’s no restraint on the amount
You know how often you need the Lord to forgive you
So forgive others as quickly as God forgives you
Look nobody’s perfect and of course people hurt you
But while we were yet sinners Christ died for us
IWhen people don’t deserve forgiveness do it anyway
Cuz you’ve been forgiven of much so do the same
We are called to be like Christ and He showed mercy
And delivered you from the chains of sin and death
I know that it’s not as easy as is being said
But when you remember where you were saved from
You look at others through the eyes of Christ
Your eyes are open to their need to be shown grace
