
Joy it's coursing through my veins 
My situations are nowhere near perfect
But the God that I serve He and His will are
My joy is rooted in the fact that I am saved
I have been redeemed and my future is bright
Eternal life awaits me and I get to spend it with Him
My joy is not reliant on anyone or anything
But is founded in the truth of who He says I am
Chosen and plucked out of the pit I kept digging
Set on the foundation of hope and grace
Mercy was given when death should've been the outcome
He took my place when the cross should've been mine
Suffered the brutal death that awaited me
And conquered death so a second chance could be given
Hallelujah that I was rescued from the darkness I was in
I was given a new name a new purpose and a new life
Went from lost to found blind to seeing
I became a daughter of the King
No longer bound to my earthly self and destined for death
But free to be the woman Gods called me to be
My chains broken and my shackles fell to the floor
Looked into the face of a loving Father
Who said I love you and you are forever mine
Nothing can separate us or tear us apart
