Like A Diamond

There’s no mountain my God can not knock down
Or a valley to low that He can’t meet me there
He is in the pursuit of me and He will never stop
Wants all of me to look like Him and He is making me new
The tests the trials are to refine me and make me new 
Sometimes fire is necessary to break up this stubborn heart
To help my eyes be opened to the wickedness of my heart
Just like a diamond I need pressure to bring out the best in me
Some trial are short lived while others are long suffering
But that changes nothing cuz it’s what I need
God is still in control still on the throne and still good
They are not comfortable but neither is life
Wouldn’t you want someone to be the best version of themselves
Wouldn’t you want that by any means necessary
Cuz that’s exactly what God wants for you and me
Look I am not saying trials are fun or enjoyable
But I know that they are purposeful and good for us
God is going to prove His greatness and use you
We are more likely to relate to similar hardships
And has seen the faithfulness of God in it
Than someone who has a comfortable life and no issues
We relate to each other in struggles but our faith is made stronger 
Others see Christ in us as we walk through fire
If there was an easier or better way of doing that
Don’t you think your loving Father would do just that
He wants you to be a perfect vessel that He can fill and refill
Just like the potter has to mold the clay to form a vessel
So our God has to mold us deeper into His image
Seek God in the trial ask for wisdom through the hardship
And know that He is stretching and growing you
