
God Your love language is obedience
I pray that You teach me how to obey
It seemed a lot more obvious how as a kid
Cuz my parents would give me opportunities 
But as an adult it almost seems covered by a veil
Not always as blatantly obvious how to do so
I do know that You call me to love You
With all that I am and You’re the centerpiece of my life
I want You to be that in my desires, feelings, and affection
So in obedience I surrender my want to be center stage
And allow You to be the great big middle of my life
I want this life to be a worship song solely to You
Help me to not divide myself in my worshipping
But to always love You first and seek You first
Let my heart speak about the treasures I have found in You
With edifying and beneficial words that bless others
Teach me to obey like Abraham and Sarah
You said go and then went without any direction
Open my heart and ears to be sensitive to Your calling
Guide me into the knowledge of Your perfect will
Lead me in the direction of Your promises

Build me into a beautifully Biblical woman
