Tenacity of His Love

I found something so valuable I gave up my rights to obtain it
Nothing else could possibly be worth more to me than this
I found a love you've only ever read about but never experienced
He died in my place so that I didn't have to die instead I’m living
He knows every part of me the good the bad and the ugly parts
Yet He chooses to love me wicked-hearted me self-centered me
He looks at me as though He has found the most precious jewel
He wraps me up in His loving arms and pulls me closer to Himself
Speaks such sweet truth over me as I sleep soundly through the night
He is in this for the long haul and accepts me and all of my flaws
Knows all the little things that make me me and accepts all of them
Makes Himself readily available to my needs and hears every prayer
He is always close by and I am never every left alone He is with me
It is the sweetest of loves that I have ever tasted and it never runs out
I am overwhelmed by the intensity and the tenacity of His love for me
He reminds me daily and often who I am and I am a daughter of His
He chose me and shows me minute by minute hour by hour day by day
He loves me unconditionally and it is not dependent on me He just loves
His love never runs out never stops never gives up never stops pursuing
Read Matthew 13:44-46
