White Flag

Let peace reign and hope fill our hearts
God its so easy to get our minds space stuck
We focus more on the problems of our world
We forget so quickly that the God of peace holder it all
How often we fail to remember the promises fulfilled
Forgive us Lord for our mental block and selfishness
Open our eyes and hearts to soak in all of You
Remind us of our need and desperation for You
How blind we allow ourselves to be to Your goodness
How deaf we allow ourselves to be to Your Word
I surrender myself to the workings of Your will
You can have all of me I lay my face to the floor at Your feet
I am Your servant send me wherever I’m to go
Where you go I will go for You are my God
I know that apart from You I have and am nothing
I need You more than breath in my lungs
Forgive my stupid and stubborn heart O God
wave my white flag of surrender to Your will
