Battle For Souls

I know that the battle for souls has not stopped
The enemy is out for my heart and soul
But I am a warrior for the kingdom of God
I am equipped with all the armor I could need 
And I head into battle with the full armor of God
His arrows can not pierce me I’ve got my shield
My shield of faith blocks his fiery darts
I have the belt of truth to remind me of God's truths
With the breast plate of righteousness on my chest
My feet are fit with readiness from the gospel of peace
My head is covered with the helmet of salvation
I have the sword of the Spirit the Word of God
My strength is not my own for I am weak
But He is strongest when I’m at my weakest
I lean into the arms of the One who holds all
He keeps adding fuel to my fire of hope 
As I trust in His goodness that I will overcome
Cuz He has already overcome the grave and sin
So the enemy has no power cuz the blood covers me
I am labeled as a child of the King never to be erased
Secure in the God who wrote my name in His book
Which signifies that eternal life is the end of my story
I have no fear when my eyes are on Jesus Christ
Read Ephesians 6:10-18
