Begin To Rust

Truth only comes from the One above
He reigns in and through all things 
The God of all kingdoms and the highest King
More powerful than anything else nothing else stands
All bow at the name of Jesus all will bow
His only rival can’t even come close to Him
How could a created being compete with the Creator
The end is already written and God’s victorious
So which team are you a part of winning or not
We already know the outcome and who wins
Praise to the God who knows all things
His awesome power has no competition
Our God is greater than any other
His goodness abounds and knows no end
He loves us with an indescribable passion
Jesus His Son took our place and died for us
He conquered sin and death for you and me
And God wants to use us for His glory
We are saved by His grace and given freedom
Our chains lay on the floor and begin to rust
Because His blood breaks every chain
He gives us the same resurrecting power
