Every Dehydrated Part

I do not hunger, for You are the bread of life
And in You there is fullness of joy
I do not thirst, for You are the living water
And You quench my every dehydrated part
I am completely satisfied there’s nothing I need
You have given me all of it everything
But I cannot get enough of Your presence
Crave the moments alone with just You
Desire deeper relationship with my King
Empty me of all of me and replace me with You
I am made whole and full when I’m with You
Teach me to yearn for you with all that I am
May my heart ache for the things above
And long to bring you fame and glory
Never have need for anything beside You
For You care for me far more than the birds
And clothe for me far more than the flowers
In You I am complete lacking absolutely nothing
For You are everything that my heart needs
