He's Knocking

Freedom is a song that my heart can’t stop singing
Cuz I am forever redeemed from an eternity apart from You
Joy pours out of my life cuz You saved me
Made me realize my need to be rescued from myself
Delivered me from my past of wickedness
Gave me new purpose and a new found hope
Open my eyes to see what real love looks like
I ran to You and You were there with arms wide open
Saying welcome home child You will never be alone again
You will never be unknown or unloved ever
I will hold you always and won’t ever let go
Whether in fire or rain I will be standing next to you
I’m walking every step with you we’ll be together
Stay in my presence and remain in intimacy with me 
Let me show you the many things I want for you
Trust me it’s better than anything you could imagine
There’s no better place for you to be 
He overcame death and the grave for you
With arms spread wide and nailed to a cross
He showed you love by dying in your place
Defeated sin and death so that you could be His
No one could possibly love you as much as Him
He took the 39 lashes that you and I deserved
While you will still sinning He took up your cross
But death didn’t hold him captive cuz He rose again
He laughed at sins control of your life
And He reclaimed you as His own
Reclaimed His place in your heart
Well that is if He is Lord of your life
So is He does He reside in your heart
Let Him in cuz He’s knocking on the door
