Doubting Thomas

Sometimes I’m doubting Thomas
And need to see and touch to believe
Sometimes I’m the complaining Israelites
And nothing seems to be good enough
Forgive me O Lord for my intermittent doubts
For the complaints spewing out of my mouth
Who am I that my finger should wave at You
You’ve given me life when none was due
Look at the blessings you’ve poured over me
How could I possibly whine or complain 
When You’ve given purpose and meaning
I find myself thinking just shut your mouth
I cant take a breath without You allowing it
My heart can’t beat without Your permission
Who am I to tell You how to run my life
When I can only see so little and so far
Forgive the selfish me that is demanding
I am grateful for all that You’ve done for me
And I humbly lay myself at Your feet in honor
Beat down the pride that keeps growing
And help me to lead a life of humility
I want no fame for myself in any way
But all glory to go to You and You alone
