Alongside the Others

I am standing in the crowd and I see You hanging on the cross
In my sin and shame I mock alongside the others
I am ashamed of myself because my sin put You there
Tears well up in my eyes as I see unconditional love displayed
How can my God die such a brutal death for me
What love and mercy that You’d take my place
Who am I that You would do that for me for the world
I am broken and torn as I see you nailed to the cross
Hanging up there struggling to breathe each breath
Your back torn to bits and organs exposed
Each breath getting harder than the last one
Blood flowing from the crown of thorns placed in mockery
Being spit on and jeered at with men throwing lots for Your clothes
And yet even so You ask God to forgive them
My human sized brain can’t fathomed that kind of love
Brutally dying so slowly as Your Spirit was lifted up to Heaven
But that’s not where the story ends death didn’t win
You defeated the grave and death once and for all
Giving the world a second chance and eternal life with You
Redeeming the dead and bring the world back to life
Rescuing Your lost sheep and returning them to the fold
Hallelujah that You conquered sin and death
And gave us all a chance to know You intimately
To be called Your child a daughter of the King
Praise You Father for giving us redemption 
For rewriting our stories that were leading to death
But now life and life abounding is available to us
Thank you Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice
That showed how much You loved the world
To die in such brutality that we might be called Yours
