Do You

Do you know Him? The God who created the heavens and the earth.
Do you know Him? The God who created every part of you.
Do you know Him? The God who sent His Son Jesus to die in your place.
Do you know Him? The God who made heaven a place you can go to.
Do you know Him? The God who wants you to spend eternity with Him.
Do you know Him? The God who loves you unconditionally just because
Do you know Him? The God who is calling you into His family.
Do you know Him? The God that stirring in Your heart right now
Look I can't sit back or stay quiet any longer because God is calling you and wants you
He hears your cries, your pains, and your struggles
He wants to bring peace and healing to the parts of your life that feel empty, hopeless and without change
He sent His a Son Jesus to this world to suffer in your place
He died the most brutal death on a cross and you were on His mind when He did
Jesus did not stay dead but rose again to defeat death
We are not perfect in anyway but God is
He wants you and died so He could get to know you and you could get to know Him
He loves with a fierce tenacity. He will never give up on you or let you go
He will never stop chasing after you
All you have to do is say yes
Yes to the One who formed every part of you and knows everything about you
He desires your heart and your life. Trust me it takes a few simple steps
First confess that you are not perfect and that you need Jesus
Ask God to forgive you of all the wrong things you've done
Next believe that Jesus died and rose again. Its that simple.
I can't emphasize how much God is for you and wants better for you
He adores you and loves you
Will you answer the pull of God on your heart? Will you accept all that He is?
