He Hears

God wants you to know that He sees you 
He hears your cries even the ones in the dark
You are never alone cuz He’s right there with you
Knows your deepest of thoughts and fears
He holds you in His arms near to His heart
Your tears are collected by Him in a bottle
He keeps track of the sorrow you go through
He wipes away every tear from your eyes
Near to you when you are broken-hearted
Experiences every ache and pain with you
Replaces your tears with shouts of joy
Brings healing to your brokenness and pain
Fills you with newness of life and purpose
And one day soon we will go back home
In heaven there will be absolutely no tears
There will only be joy, peace and the Lord
Feasting, dancing, and celebrating for eternity
Worshipping and praising our God forevermore 

Read Psalms 56:8, Psalms 126:5
