More in Love

Humbly approach His throne and lay myself down
Burdened with sin and guilt it's weighing me down
I repent and I feel the weight falling at my side
Blood covers my sins and I am clothed in white
No longer a slave to my past my present my sin
Through victory in Christ I am a new creation again
I lift my eyes and I see grace and mercy flow
And I see love poured out and continue to grow
My Savior with nail scars on His hands and His feet
He says that these marks are of love for me
I can barely breathe or comprehend His love
But He has defeated death and sin it is done
Took my place when I deserved the admission to hell
But I saw the love of Christ and in love I fell
Brought back to life no longer feeling death inside
He offered me salvation and a ticket to eternal life
How could I say no to this undeserving love and grace
He loved me before I loved Him or even knew His face
I stand in freedom with broken chains by my feet
Cuz Christ's death paid my price I join in His victory
Once bound to my sin but I have been born again
Falling more in love with my Savior every day since
