Stay Fixed

Stay fixed on Jesus keep your eyes on Him
It's so easy to wander and we are prone to do so
Allow yourself to surrender to set your sights on Jesus
Let your treasure be found in Him and your heart will follow
Stand your ground and dig your heels in
Invest yourself in the things God has for you
Place your heart in your hands and hand it back to God
Let Him hold your heart and He'll keep it safe
Pursue God with the intention to win the prize of eternal life
It's waiting for you at the finish line
But you got to keep your eyes focused on Jesus
Stay the course stick to the path keep the faith
The rewards are worth the pursuit of Him
So don't lose hope give up or stop moving
But run with endurance and don't lose sight of Him
Seek Him as if your life depended on it cuz it does
He has never stopped seeking you and finding you
Do not ever stop seeking or throw in the towel
Keep Jesus as your focused point of reference
Life is going to be messy painful and difficult
But God has incredible plans for you
Just keep pushing keep going keep pursuing
Discover the renewal of strength and hope
Invest in the things above that never rust
True treasure is found in Jesus and lasts forever
Let God possess your heart and you pursue Him
Don't let go, commit to never letting go of Jesus
Attach yourself, latch on to His promises and grace
Set your mind on the things that God is doing
Allow God to fully consume every inch of your life
