Fear Is A Lie

Fear is a lie and sometimes it needs to be told so
Cuz God has so much more in store for us
The enemy wants to cause you to freeze with fear
But our loving Father breaks through the fear
To give us hope and peace to pursue His calling
So today look fear straight in the face
And tell him you don’t own me anymore
The truth will set you free so speak the truth
Remind yourself that just cuz something is scary
Doesn’t mean that you can’t pursue it
Especially if God has called you to it
We have been given resurrection power
That power has already conquered the grave
It has defeated death and all of our fear
If God is for us then nothing can stop us
And our God is in control of everything
He is standing with you in fire or rain
Shielding you and protecting you as you trust Him
You’re never alone fear has no place
Your headspace and heart are not it’s home
So remind fear of its place of residence
Tell him that the pit of hell is where he belongs


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