Resurrection Power

I have resurrection power
Coursing through my veins
So what do I have to fear
When the end of my story
It is already written out
My God holds the world
In His almighty hands 
This life is not my own
It was bought with the life
And blood of my God's Son
Fear has no control over my life
Because it's power was destroyed
By the resurrection of my Savior King
And I have absolutely nothing to fear
Cuz His grace is incredibly abundant
Joy is never taken away from me
Cuz it's beyond safe in His loving arms
My hope is in Daddy and nothing else 
Can’t shake my assurance in Him
It's secure in the fact that He is God
Hallelujah He is always faithful to me
And my peace is assuring me daily
He is the foundation I can place my trust in
Cuz He is always good no matter what 
Nothing can shake me or pull me away
Cuz He is always in control
