All of My Days

So why would I ever want to leave the arms of the Almighty
Cuz nowhere else can I find rest hope love and peace
Nobody else desires me so deeply enough to chase me
That wants every part of me and whose love will never cease
He loved me enough come down to this earth to die in my place
And even though I'm selfish and sinful to the core He gives me grace
How is that possible that His scars are there for me who am I
Cuz it has nothing to do with me I deserve nothing but to die
You call me out of the miry clay and set my feet upon a rock
Tell me I am chosen and righteous cuz of Your blood spilt on the cross
That I have freedom from the bondage that sin tries to hold on me
Thank you God whom Your Son sets free they are free indeed
May my life reflect Your Son and let others see Christ in me
For this life is not my own but a gift to point others to Your divinity
God You are so good and worthy of all our worship and praise
May I continue to look more like You Jesus for all of my days
