Nailed My Passions

I have nailed my passions and desires to the cross
The sinful selfish me of my past was put to death
Christ’s blood covers the multitude of sins
I’ve committed many offenses against You
But You forgive and its thrown into the sea
I was crucified with Christ and my sins with Him
And I am no longer a slave to my own sin
But the debt has been paid once and for all
So I can live in the freedom of Christ Jesus
Walking in the path He has planned for me
Experiencing joy that I never have before
Receiving love that has never been mine
Knowing peace that makes no sense
Cuz I can trust in my King who saved me
Pulled out of the grave set my feet upon Himself
Now I can stand with confidence in me
Cuz the God of angel armies stands with me
Fear has no place in this heart or this mind
Cuz my God holds my world on His hands
There’s nothing done apart from His will
