
Holy Spirit illuminate the words I am reading in Your Word
To better understand You and the life You have in store
Forgive my cut and paste interpretation to meet my lifestyle
Shine like a spotlight on the things I need to hear
And remove the misunderstandings of my soul
So that I can not miss the feast You have for me
Cuz I want to absorb all that You are
Let each page be a new adventure with You
Show me the words written with me in mind
Help me to see beyond the pages in front of me
May I read with a hunger that cant be satisfied
And with a thirst that cannot be quenched
May the words jump off the page into my heart
That I may know You on an even deeper level
To see with an open heart and open eyes
Speak to me in words that expand me
To seek after Your truth and Your wisdom
So that I may see the inner workings
Knit my heart in tune with Your Word
