Not Once

Look I’ve traveled many roads in my lifetime
And I’ve been many places around this world
But not once have I discovered a place better
Than the presence of the King of kings

I’ve seen the beauty of an Ugandan safari
The bright blues of the seas in the Philippines
Seen the most incredible sunset in Kenya
Been to the Temple Mount in Israel

But nothing can compare to this right here
When it’s just me and God nobody else
Indescribable peace and immense joy
Blessings upon blessings grace upon grace

I’ve seen turtles and fish swimming around me
Watched dolphins and whales jump in the air
Held a monkey, snake, and macaw in my arms
Experienced beauty greenery and flowers

But nothing can compare to a moment like this
Sitting side by side with my Savior talking
Having inconceivable love poured over me
For a God who stays and never runs away
