Good Morning

Good morning Daddy it’s a beautiful day
The sun is shining our journey is on its way
I grab Your hand and we take our first step
With You next to me fear runs to the left
When I am with You joy fills my heart
May we always walk together never apart
You are the One who leads me to still water
I am Your child and You are my Father
Every step I take is in sync with You my King
I am never ever alone because You’re with me
Even in the quiet spaces and lonely places
You’re beside me to calm my heart as it races
Every day is more time to spend with just us
When I walk on my path it is treacherous
Forgive me for walking steps away from You
I surrender and jump back on the road with You
You are holy and worthy regardless of my vision
All I can see is fear and doubt there is collision
Remove the blinders that these have given me
This life is not mine but I live for Your glory
