White Flag

Surrendered I am raising my white flag
I just want Your will not any part of my own
My knees are on the ground face to the floor
I want only You and everything You're in
Anything apart from You I don’t want
I am trembling as I hold my heart in my hands
Here I am giving my life back to One who bought me
I give it all to You and lay all of me at Your feet
Every part of me is in service to You King of kings
I surrender O God I surrender to Your perfect plan
No more running after the desires this world offers
Cuz none of it compares to the sweetest of Your love
I pour all of me out so that I may be filled with You
Use me, teach me, and allow me to radiate You
This while flag is raised and I humbly bow before Your throne
May this life be about You and bring Your kingdom here
