Worthy Vessel

Do you remember the day God saved you
Is it something you think about often
Can you remember anything before then
I remember being last with no sense of purpose
With eyes so selfish so broken so depressed
Not able to find the strength to get out bed
But then at the right time He called me out
Pulled my heart out of the grave into grace
Showered mercies and love over all of me
Removed the blinders from my selfish eyes
Softened my hardened and stubborn heart
Erased all the sins of my past with His blood
Made me a new creation with no purpose
Empowered me to tell my story to the world
Gave me direction and called me His own
Had a reason to get out of bed every morning
Filled me with such joy, peace, hope, and love
I was no longer worthless but a worthy vessel
Cuz I was now a daughter of the Most High God
