Pieces of My Shattered Heart

I trust You with the pieces of my shattered heart
That You will put them back together bit by bit
Better than I could ever try to do on my own
Cuz You strengthen me in my weakness
Lift me up when I am face to the floor
Wipe my tears when i cant raise my arms
You comfort me with an unimaginable peace
You tend to my brokenness like a doctor
Bandaging up the hurts and pains I have
And there will be scars but I like them
Those are pen marks for Your story for me
Reminders of your faithfulness and love
Pain free life was never promised to me
And I daily ask to look more like You
Sometimes that requires refining through flames
Which leaves marks but I come out the other side
Looking more like my King than my own pride
Which is the desire of my heart to look like
I surrender to Your will whatever it may be
Cuz You O Lord are everything that I need
